Respond to the resident survey – what do you find important in Helsinki’s health and social services?

Helsinki residents have the right to participate in and influence the development of their services. Therefore, we would like to hear what you, a Helsinki reside

Helsinki residents have the right to participate in and influence the development of their services. Therefore, we would like to hear what you, a Helsinki resident, find important in the services and how you would like to participate in the planning, development and decision-making of Helsinki’s social welfare and healthcare services.

The survey can be completed electronically between 20 May and 2 June 2022. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes. Your responses are analysed and reported so that individual respondents cannot be identified from them.

You can take the survey in Finnish, Swedish or English.

Respond to the survey here(Link leads to external service) .

With the national reform of the social and health care and rescue services, Helsinki’s social and health care services will also be reformed. Helsinki’s social welfare and health care services and rescue services will form a new Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division starting 2023. Helsinki is drafting a service strategy for the operations of the new division. Your responses will be used to prepare the service strategy and plan the operation.