Scenario options for the Länsiväylä local master plan for comment

Scenario options for the Länsiväylä local master plan for comment
Lapinlahden silta

The local master planning for the Länsiväylä environment concerns Länsiväylä and the surrounding areas in Koivusaari, Lauttasaari and Salmisaari. Four scenarios of the future of the area have been drawn up and are open for comments until 20 October 2022.

A local master plan for the Länsiväylä environment is under preparation and city experts have drawn up four different scenarios for possible developments in the area. The map survey(Link leads to external service) allows you to explore and comment on the different scenarios. The scenarios are also presented in a short introductory video(Link leads to external service). The map survey will be available from 29 September until 20 October 2022.

Parts of the different scenarios to be selected as a basis for the draft local master plan

The scenarios are not yet blueprints. None of the scenarios are intended to be implemented as they are, and the impact of the different elements and solutions are currently being studied. Based on the impact assessment, conclusions will be drawn from the preparation of the actual local master plan. The aim is to select elements and solutions from the different scenarios as a basis for the draft local master plan, and to develop them further.

The scenarios differ mainly in terms of the solution for Länsiväylä, the permitted driving speed and the extent of the land use change areas. Land use change areas may also include unchanged parts.

The scenarios outline, among other things, green and recreational connections, a waterfront, a cycle path, a transport system, access points, and the amount of housing and office space at an approximate level.

Common to all scenarios is that it is assumed that Koivusaari will be built according to the existing master plan and that the Katajaharju interchange will be removed. The starting point is also that a harbour tunnel will have been built from the West Harbour to Länsiväylä. In all scenarios, the beaches in the new construction areas are public.

Scenario 0+ describes a replenishing status quo, while Scenario 1 describes moderate growth. Scenario 2 is comparable to the existing city centre and scenario 3 is an urban extension of the city centre.

A group of residents have been brainstorming over the design

In spring 2022, a team of 16 people was selected from those who responded to an online survey to brainstorm over the planning of the Länsiväylä local master plan. Two brainstorming workshops were held in May and August, where the group members gave their input and came up with ideas on the planning steps, most recently on the different scenarios.

More information on the work of the brainstorming group and the results of the first workshop has been updated in the map service
material(Link leads to external service). The map service contains all the material for the local city plan, including the results of the online residents' survey during the participation- and assessment plan phase.

Based on the feedback from the scenario phase, the planners will draw conclusions from the scenarios to form the basis of the draft plan. The conclusions will be presented to the Urban Environment Committee in spring 2023.


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