Yesterday, 274 new coronavirus cases were found in Helsinki. This is clearly the highest daily number during the entire duration of the epidemic. Recently, the previous record high for a single day was 202 infections.
It is currently recommended to get a coronavirus test even in the occurrence of mild symptoms typical of COVID-19. Going to work, school or day care with any symptoms at all is strictly prohibited.
Of those tested, approximately 5% are found to be infected with the coronavirus. On Monday 1 March, test appointments are available in Helsinki throughout the day.
According to Director of Health and Substance Abuse Services Leena Turpeinen, this is not the time to consider whether or not taking the coronavirus test is necessary.
– With winter holidays coming to an end, there is a risk of the coronavirus epidemic spreading further as people return to work, school and day care. Everyone should get tested even with the slightest flu-like symptoms. In the event of symptoms, you should also remember to stay home. All those who can should work remotely, Turpeinen says.
In addition to this, https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/coronavirus-en/social-and-health/coronavirus-testpeople should bear other protective measures in mind.
– The coronavirus is currently spreading widely. It is now extremely important to wash your hands and maintain sufficient safe distances. All persons over 12 years of age must wear a face mask in all close contact outside the home. And if you have not already done so, you should download the Koronavilkku app. Furthermore, other effective recommendations and restrictions must absolutely be observed,” Turpeinen says.
– Social contact must be minimised. If you are at all unsure as to whether or not you are adhering to restrictions and recommendations, it is a good idea to err towards caution, Turpeinen adds.
People have been getting tested actively in the past few days. On the busiest days of last week, more than 3,000 tests were taken per day.
– It is wonderful to see that people are getting tested and will hopefully continue to do so, Turpeinen says.
In Helsinki, the current incidence is 335 cases 100,000 residents in 14 days.
Symptoms of a coronavirus infection may include headache, problems with smell or taste, a runny or stuffy nose, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, tiredness, muscle pains, sore or sensitive throat, fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.