Social and health care services for Helsinki residents during the municipal sector strike 3.–9.5.2022

We aim to secure all urgent and necessary social and health care services during the strike. We will try to arrange booked appointments as usual.
Kukka ja viherkasveja.

The strike is over and services are gradually returning to normal.

We will make every effort to ensure that urgent and medically necessary social and health services are provided during the strike. We will try to arrange booked appointments as usual. If your appointment is postponed or cancelled, we will notify you separately.

Health stations and dental care

We will attempt to arrange booked appointments as usual at health stations. We may have to cancel or postpone some non-urgent appointments. If your appointment is cancelled or postponed, we will notify you separately. Urgent care will be available despite the strike.

We will not carry out endoscopic examinations at internal medicine outpatient clinics during the strike. We will inform you separately if your appointment is cancelled or postponed.

You will be able to receive urgent care at dental clinics. We will need to postpone non-urgent care as the strike affects equipment maintenance. We will inform you separately if your appointment is cancelled or postponed.

Substance abuse services

We may have to cancel or postpone non-urgent appointments at substance abuse outpatient clinics. We will notify you separately if your appointment is cancelled or postponed.

Family centres

The family centres of Itäkatu, Kallio and Kamppi are open 7-18. Vuosaari Family Centre is open as usual.

School health care

You can get in touch with school health care professionals as usual and health check-ups will be carried out normally. When coming in for an appointment, the public health nurse will meet the student/family at the school entrance at a set time.

Child welfare services

The strike will influence round-the-clock institutional care of child welfare services and family social services, such as family work. We will notify our customers separately about changes related to our services.

Home care

We may have to postpone or cancel home visits. We will notify our customers about possible changes. Urgent and medically necessary care, as well as nursing and nutrition services, will continue to be provided during the strike.

Senior centres and assisted living facilities

The Kinapori Senior Centre has been closed.

The canteens of Itäkeskus and Laajasalo assisted living facilities are closed from outside customers. Meals for inhabitants will be arranged, with possible changes to menus.

Disability services

The strike will affect the housing services and work and day activities for the disabled. We will notify our customers separately of any changes to our services.

Client fees

Slight delays in processing payments and customer service may occur during the strike. For example, correcting invoices, filing income statements, and decisions to reduce client fees or forgo collecting debts may be delayed.

EU Digital COVID Certificate printing points

The printing point in Cultural Centre Stoa (Turunlinnantie 1) is closed during the strike but the printing point of Oodi Helsinki Central Library (Töölönlahdenkatu 4) is open as usual (Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 8–16, Tuesdays 10–18).

Other services will be provided as usual.

Information about the strike’s impact on the services provided by HUS, like laboratory tests, medical imaging examinations and specialised medical care(Link leads to external service)

Information about the strike’s impact on other services of the City of Helsinki, like schools, daycare centres and culture and leisure activities  

The news has been updated 3 May 2022 at 13.44 and at 14.47.

Image: Virpi Velin