Health station services
Jakomäki, Kivikko, Malminkartano and Paloheinä health stations are closed 27 June–31 July.
During this time,
- Jakomäki Health Station’s customers receive their services at Malmi Health Station, Talvelantie 4, tel. 09 310 57702.
- Kivikko Health Station’s customers receive their services at Kontula Health Station, Ostoskuja 3, tel. 09 310 60410.
- Malminkartano Health Station’s customers receive their services at Pitäjänmäki Health Station, Konalantie 6–8 C, tel. 09 310 48300.
- Paloheinä Health Station’s customers receive their services at Maunula Health Station, Suursuonlaita 3A, tel. 09 310 69100.
Kannelmäki Health Station is open 27 June–31 July Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00, open by appointment also in evenings.
Ruoholahti Health Station is open Mon–Tue and Thu–Fri 8.00–16.00, Wed 8.00–18.00.
Other health stations are open during the summer 27 June–14 August on weekdays 8.00–16.00.
Centralised contraception counselling is closed 11–24 July, during which time customers are served at their own health stations.
The wound clinic is closed 11–31 July, during which time customers are served at their own health stations.
The eye screening unit is closed 11 July–7 August.
Paediatric special clinics are closed 18–31 July.
Mental Health Service Unit Mieppi in Kalasatama is closed 27 June–31 July.
Health advice for Helsinki residents 24/7, tel. 09 310 10023.
Treatment of COVID-19 infections in the summer
- Omaolo.fi(Link leads to external service), online symptom assessment, appointment for a coronavirus test if necessary.
- Chatbot at hel.fi (live chat on weekdays 9.00–14.00).
- Coronavirus Helpline, tel. 09 310 10024, Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00.
- Information about vaccinations
Coronavirus updates from Helsinki
Emergency services
Patients in need of urgent assistance are treated in the evening, at weekends and holidays at the joint emergency services of Malmi, Meilahti, Jorvi and Peijas hospitals and at the New Children’s Hospital.
- Before seeking emergency services in person, please call the free number 116 117 (24/7).
- Life-threatening situations – Call 112.
Dental care services
Dental care appointment booking Mon–Thu 7.00–18.00 and Fri 7.00–15.00, tel. 09 310 51400.
You can also make an appointment at the office of any dental clinic. Dental care chat is open weekdays 8.00–15.00 at www.hel.fi/hammashoito.
Some dental clinics are closed in the middle of the summer:
- Herttoniemenranta Dental Clinic 13 June–14 August
- Jakomäki Dental Clinic 27 June–7 August
- Kivelä Dental Clinic, orthodontic treatment 18 July–7 August
- Kivikko Health Station Dental Clinic 20 June–7 August
- Kontula Health Station Dental Clinic 11–24 July
- Laajasalo Health Station Dental Clinic 4–10 July
- Malmi Health Station Dental Clinic, basic care 7–31 July
- Malmi Health Station Dental Clinic, orthodontic treatment 7 July–7 August
- Malminkartano Health Station Dental Clinic 4 July–7 August
- Maunula Health Station Dental Clinic 4 July–7 August
- Pihlajamäki Dental Clinic, basic care 27 June–7 August
- Pihlajamäki Dental Clinic, orthodontic treatment 27 June–31 July
- Pitäjänmäki Health Station Dental Clinic 27 June–7 August
- Porolahti Dental Clinic 11 July–7 August
- Vironniemi Dental Clinic 27 June–14 August
Dental Emergency Services are open all summer at the Oral and Dental Centre, Haartmaninkatu 1 D, and the at Kalasatama Dental Clinic, Työpajankatu 14 A. Appointment booking on weekdays 7.00–14.00 at maisa.fi(Link leads to external service) or tel. 09 310 51400.
Emergency dental care is available in the evenings, at weekends and on mid-week holidays at the Park Hospital, Stenbäckinkatu 11. Appointment booking Mon–Fri 14.00–21.00 and Sat–Sun 8.00–21.00, tel. 09 471 71110.
Night-time emergency services for oral health disorders are open at 21.00–8.00 at Töölö Hospital, Töölönkatu 40. Contact in advance, tel. 116 117.
Psychiatric and substance abuse services
Kalasatama, Laakso, Malmi and Vuosaari psychiatric and substance abuse centres are open 6 June–26 August at 8.00–16.00, except for replacement therapy, which starts operations at 7.00 in the mornings.
Mental Health Service Unit Mieppi in Kalasatama is closed 27 June–31 July. During this time, activities are centralised to other Mieppi locations.
The Centre for Bipolar Disorder Research and Care is closed 4–31 July.
Aurora Day Ward 10 is closed 4–31 July.
Aurora Day Ward 8-1 is closed 11 July–7 August.
The group therapy centre is closed 4–31 July.
Mental health clinics’ intensive outpatient treatment is closed 27 June–7 August.
The Gambling Clinic’s outpatient treatment is closed 4–17 July.
Rehabilitation programmes for outpatient group substance abuse rehabilitation K1 and K2 are combined 18 July–28 August. Rehabilitation programme K3 (Mankeli) is closed 11–31 July.
Villa Sture is closed 13 July–7 August.
Maternity and child health clinic services
The telephone service of maternity and child health clinics is open 20 June–14 August on weekdays 8.00–12.00, tel. 09 310 55530.
The maternity and child health clinics’ chat service is open 20 June–14 August 10.00–12.00.
NeRo maternity and child health robot serves 24/7.
Itäkatu, Kallio, Kamppi and Vuosaari family centres are open 20 June–14 August on weekdays 8.00–16.00.
Jakomäki Maternity and Child Health Clinic is closed 27 June–31 July. During this time, its customers can receive services at Puistola Maternity and Child Health Clinic.
Paloheinä Maternity and Child Health Clinic is closed 27 June–31 July. During this time, its customers can receive services at Maunula Maternity and Child Health Clinic.
The other maternity and child health clinics are open all summer 8.00–16.00.
Maternity and child health clinics will handle checks on pregnant women and children up to the age of two and other necessary checks 20 June–14 August.
Special services for families
The following special services for families are closed 18–31 July:
- Psychologist services for the maternity and child health clinic
- Couples therapy
- Family counselling
- Speech therapy for children
- Therapeutic work with families with babies
Social services
East Helsinki adult social work
Community Centre Vuosaari is closed 1 May–8 August.
Community centres Malmi, Maunula Saunabaari, Pihlajamäki, Kontula and Lassila are closed 13 June–8 August.
Community centres Hanna and Oulunkylän Seurahuone are closed 8–14 August. Community centres Hanna and Oulunkylän Seurahuone are open 13 June–5 August 9.00–16.00.
West Helsinki adult social work
Rehabilitative exemplary employment is closed 4–31 July.
Uusix workshops (Kyläsaarenkatu 8 and Suvilahdenkatu 10) are closed 4–31 July.
Pakila Work Centre is closed 4–31 July.
Social rehabilitation is closed 4–31 July.
North Helsinki adult social work
VIA points for social counselling are closed as follows:
- Haaga 11–24 July
- Kamppi Chapel 20 June–3 July
- Myllypuro 27 June–3 July and 18–24 July
- Vuosaari 4–17 July
Housing consultation chat service is closed 23 June–31 July.
Work ability assessment is closed 4–31 July.
Work and day activities for persons with disabilities
The work and day activities units listed below are closed 4–31 July.
- Haavikko teaching and adult education centre
- Cäpsä disability work unit
- Töölö disability work unit
- Vallila disability work unit
- Kalasatama activity centre
- Pasila activity centre
- Polku activity centre
- Sofianlehto activity centre
- Tanhua activity centre
If necessary, activities are organised for customers at the Kalasatama activity centre.
The Disability Outpatient Clinic (Sofianlehdonkatu 8) is closed 4–31 July 2022.
Student health care
Student health care is open in summer 2022 until Midsummer in almost all educational institutions. Public health nurses are best reached by phone or via e-services. In addition, you can leave a contact request in Wilma or by e-mail.
The centralised student health care service is open throughout the summer at Mechelininkatu 46 A, 4th floor. Book an appointment, tel. 040 662 4166. The services are intended for students and young people, including those not involved in education or working life.
Mechelininkatu’s centralised vaccination reception and infectious disease surveys only by appointment 13 June–7 August 2022. More information on tel. 050 310 5547.
Service centres
The service centres are also open in the summer. Please check the summer events at the service centre or on the website of each service centre (in Finnish).
Syystie Service Centre is closed 20 June–31 July due to floor renovations. Only supported groups of the service centre are operating.
Munkkiniemi Service Centre (Laajalahdentie 30) is open 6 June–28 August Mon–Fri
Kamppi Service Centre (Salomonkatu 21 B) is open 30 May–28 August Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00.
Kinapori Senior Centre’s Service Centre (Kinaporinkatu 9) is open 24–26 June 9.00–15.00 and 1–31 July Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00 and closed Sat–Sun.
Koskela Senior Centre’s Service Centre (Käpyläntie 11) is open 6 June–26 August Mon–Fri
Töölö Senior Centre’s Service Centre (Töölönkatu 33) is open 1 June–31 August Mon–Fri 8.00–15.30.
Töölö day activities (Töölönkatu 33) are closed 6 June–3 July.
Ilon Pilke day activities are located at Töölönkatu 33 on 6 June–3 July. Ilon Pilke day activities are closed 4–31 July.
Senior centres
Short-term care is centralised during the summer. You can ask for more information about the centralisation of activities from the social welfare or health care employee in charge of your case.
Outpatient clinics
The Geriatric Outpatient Clinic, reception and memory coordinator activities(Sturenkatu 8) are closed 11–24 July.
The Palliative Outpatient Clinic (Suursuo Hospital, Suursuonlaita 3 B) is closed 24 June–10 July. Patients are directed to contact their local hospital if necessary.
The rehabilitation planning telephone service is open in the summer 20 June–19 August on weekdays 9.00–12.00.
Frontline veterans
The rehabilitation office for frontline veterans (Lääkärinkatu 6C) is closed 18 July–7 August.
The services to support frontline veterans with living at home (Mannerheimintie 168 b) are closed 27 June–17 July.
Picture: City of Helsinki's material bank / Monica Gorbatow
Information regarding 2021 was removed 16.6.2022.