Social welfare and health care client fees to increase in the beginning of April

Slight increases will be introduced to fixed-sum client fees for Helsinki social welfare and health care services starting from 1 April 2022.
Hammashoitaja, potilas ja hammaslääkäri.

Slight increases will be introduced to fixed-sum client fees for Helsinki social welfare and health care services starting from 1 April 2022. Client fees are reviewed every other year. There will be no changes to income-based client fees.

Fixed-sum client fees for health care services will be increased by 1.36 per cent. For example, the fee for a dentist’s appointment will increase by 10 cents to €10.50. However, a doctor’s appointment at a health station will continue to be free of charge. Client fees for health care services are adjusted according to changes in the National Pensions Index in accordance with the Decree on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare.

Fixed-sum client fees for social services will be increased by 2.8 per cent. For example, the fee for short-term family care will increase by 80 cents to €30.50. Fixed-sum client fees for social services are adjusted according to changes in the price index of public expenditure.

These changes do not call for any measures from clients

The index adjustments taking effect at the beginning of April will have no impact on income-based client fees or the related income limits or available means. The income limits and available means related to income-based client fees have been increased at the beginning of this year. Nor will there be any changes to the annual payment ceiling, which was raised at the beginning of this year.

More information on client fees

If you have any questions related to client fees, please send them to opens default mail program)

Image: City of Helsinki / Virpi Velin

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