Tennis courts can be booked at Varaamo

Tennis courts for the summer season 2025 can be booked through the City of Helsinki’s space booking service Varaamo.
Kolme tekonurmipintaista tenniskenttää kaupungin liikuntapuistossa.
Photo: Jani Karlsson

The city’s outdoor tennis courts for the summer season 2025 can be booked through the Varaamo service from 22 April 2025. Book a tennis court at Varaamo.(Link leads to external service)

You can book any of the approximately 20 tennis courts in different parts of the city. The courts are located in the sports parks of Ala-Malmi, Arabianranta, Herttoniemi, Jakomäki, Kannelmäki, Kontula, Kurkimäki, Lauttasaari, Mustikkamaa, Puistola, Pukinmäki, Siltamäki and Tapulikaupunki. Courts available for booking are marked with signs. At least one court from each site is excluded from the online booking service.

A tennis court booked through the Varaamo service costs EUR 8,00 / 60 minutes. As a rule, the tennis courts are open from 8 am to 9 pm, and in some places even until 10 pm. 

It has been possible to book tennis courts in Helsinki online through the Varaamo service since summer 2020. Before the introduction of online booking, the tennis courts were booked by queuing on site. A free outdoor tennis court can still be played free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis if there are no people present who have booked a single tennis session.


Varaamo is the digital space booking service of the City of Helsinki, where residents and communities can book the city’s spaces and equipment for their own use. You will log in using strong identification, such as online banking credentials. When logging in, you will create a Helsinki profile if you do not have one already.  Go to Varaamo(Link leads to external service)