Master of Social Science Teresa Salminen, 28, has been appointed senior political adviser for Mayor Jan Vapaavuori.
Salminen joins the Mayor’s staff as of 17 May for the remaining period, as senior political adviser Lotta Backlund proceeds to new duties. Laura Åvall continues as senior political adviser for the Mayor.
Salminen transfers to the Mayor’s staff from her work as a communications adviser at Kuntaliitto (Association of Finnish Municipalities).
— I am excited to be able to work for our capital. At Kuntaliitto I have been able to apply myself with city politics and the supervision of cities’ interests on a more general level. It’s a great opportunity to now get to work in the operative centre – concretely closer to the city residents, Teresa Salminen says.
Salminen will specialise in questions concerning the Mayor’s communications.
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