The application for Finland’s most prominent EdTech incubator is open again

The EdTech Incubator Helsinki is the first program in Finland to focus on supporting early-phase EdTech startups. The application period is open until Feb 12th.

The EdTech Incubator Helsinki is the first program in Finland to focus on supporting early-phase EdTech startups. Currently, the second application period for the incubator, where ten new teams will be accepted into the program, is open until February 11th.

EdTech Incubator Helsinki is a free 20-week incubator program, arranged by Helsinki Education Hub(Link leads to external service) , for the best innovations within EdTech. Together with experts in business and education, it helps the participants grow their ideas into a commercial, scalable and international business. The incubator program includes workshops, mentoring, weekly assignments and keynote speeches from the industry’s experts – and it offers a strong network support through the journey.

All the startups selected into the incubator will be provided with co-working spaces at the new EdTech startup- and innovation center, Helsinki Education Hub. At the end of the incubator program, each team will get the chance to pitch their idea to educational experts, investors and influential people, thus adding to the important stakeholder’s knowledge of new innovative solutions and creating opportunities for profitable growth of business.

The EdTech Incubator Helsinki program spans over a period of five months, with the purpose of optimizing the business plans of the startups and the requisites for their success. The program is a once in a lifetime chance for teams who are looking to elevate their business idea to the next level.

The results from the first batch of the incubator are already promising

Participants of the first batch of the program started working in November 2021 and the results are already looking promising. The incubator is a great opportunity for networking and to build your operations on a solid foundation from the beginning.

“The incubator program has been really beneficial to our company and the trainers have been enthusiastic and motivated. The workshops that include group work have been very valuable since we can share and gain key insights from the other teams in the program. Another cool asset was to gain a mentor who is committed and really keen on helping us.” rejoices Becky Luoma, participant of the incubator’s first batch and CEO & Co-founder of Language Clubhouse.

The city is aiming for 50 companies supported through the incubator by the end of 2023

The city of Helsinki will continue to annually, in two batches, guide 20 early-phase teams and startups through the incubator. The goal set at a total of 50 young EdTech companies completing the incubator program by 2023.

EdTech Incubator Helsinki is produced by the city of Helsinki in cooperation with a broad network of experts within the EdTech industry and business. Upon completing the program, the participants will also receive guidance from the city’s economic development services to finding the right path for the future – whether it be moving to an accelerator, using our Testbed -service or simply finding the right investors.

The application period for the second batch is open from January 10th until February 11th. Teams that fulfil the incubator criteria can be invited to a short interview about their ideas. The program is free of charge, and we accept a maximum of ten teams for each batch. The city of Helsinki strives to support a growing number of female entrepreneurs in the application process.

Read more about EdTech Incubator Helsinki here(Link leads to external service) .

Apply for the incubator’s spring batch of 2022 here.(Link leads to external service)

News photo: Mia-Stiina
Heikkala (left) and Solja Sulkunen of the incubator team presented the schedule
of the EdTech Incubator Helsinki for the first batch of teams on November 8th. (City
of Helsinki)