The city bike season will start on 1 April

The city bike season will start on 1 April and end on 31 October.
Kaupunkipyöräkausi alkaa 1.4. Kuva: HSL

City bikes will be back on the streets of Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa on 1 April. You can now register as a user for the entire season on the city bike website. The season will run until the end of October in all three cities.

You can already register as a user for the whole season on the upgraded city bike website. Daily and weekly passes will become available when the season begins.

A pass for the entire seven-month cycling season costs 35 euros. A daily pass costs 5 euros, a weekly pass 10 euros.

Once you have purchased a season, daily or weekly pass, you can make as many 30-minute bike rides as you like during the validity of the pass. If you use a bike for more than 30 minutes at a time, you will pay one euro for every extra 30 minutes.

The maximum time of use is five hours, after which a late fee of 80 euros will be charged in addition to the extra charges.

Helsinki and Espoo have a shared city bike service but Vantaa has its own service and you cannot mix bikes from the two services.

New stations and more bikes

At the start of the season, there will be 3,520 bikes in Helsinki and Espoo at 242 bike stations in Helsinki and 110 in Espoo. Due to the very snowy winter, all city bike stations will not be installed by the beginning of April.

In Helsinki, 105 new stations will be introduced, with 1,050 new bikes, during the season. The new stations will be installed in stages in May and June. All of the new bikes will be in use by early July.

You can easily find the nearest city bike stations using a new function of the Journey Planner. If you have enabled location services, the Journey Planner shows nearby bike stations, the number of bikes available at each station and the route to take to get to a station. You can get the same information by entering your address in the planner.

A few tips for city biking

  • Always ride on cycle paths or roads where no cycle path is available. Walk your bike on the pavement.
  • Keep a safe distance from other people and practice good hand hygiene to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. You can also wear gloves.
  • When returning a bike to a station, make sure that you get a message on the display confirming that the return was successful.
    In Helsinki and Espoo, you can return a bike to a full station if the “Return” option is available on the bike’s display. In Helsinki (HKL logo on the handlebar), the number code for return is 1, in Espoo (logo of the City of Espoo on the handlebar) the number is 2. Once you have locked the handlebar of the bike, pull the cable out of the handlebar, wrap it around another city bike at the station and snap it into place in the slot in the body of the bike you are returning.
  • If you are picking up a bike from a full bike station, please pick up a bike left next to the station.
  • If you notice a bike is broken, turn the saddle backwards to show the maintenance staff and other city bikers that the bike needs repairing. Submit a fault report.
  • You can report a faulty bike online atörät/palaute(Link leads to external service) or through a link available in your ride history.

Read more:

Helsinki Region Transport(Link leads to external service)

City bikes(Link leads to external service)   (Link leads to external service)

Find the closest available bike and hop on!(Link leads to external service)   (Link leads to external service)

Helsinki and Espoo(Link leads to external service)  

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