Helsinki yearly employs approximately 1200 people in the ages 16–20 for summer jobs. About 800 summer jobs are directed at 16–17-year-olds, and about 280 for 16–20 year old summer employees within the project Siisti kesä!, which helps the employment of young people during summer. Young people are also employed as summer substitutes by different divisions.
Within the social and health care division there are still substitute and summer jobs available for instance as practical nurses, nurses and instructors. All available jobs within the city are found at helsinkirekry.fi.
Summer jobs that have received the largest number of applications are library assistant, assisting youth leader, planner and planning trainees, communications trainee, office clerk and work within the fields of information management and food service as well as at the utility warehouse and Espa stage.
The target group for the summer job voucher expands in 2021
The Helsinki summer job voucher expands for the summer 2021 so that even youth born in 2004 can use it. This year 10 000 young people in Helsinki receive the summer job voucher, instead of the earlier 5 500 people. Through extending the distribution of the voucher the summer job possibilities for youth increase and improve, and companies are encouraged to employ youth in a challenging situation.
With the voucher the city compensates 325 euros to an employer when a ninth grader or a person born in 2004 is employed for at least 60 hours. The minimum salary for 60 hours for the young employed is 400 euros, and for the time that exceeds that, the employed shall be paid according to the collective agreement of the line of business. A voucher holder can accept a summer job with any business, association, foundation or parish. The youth have experienced the summer job voucher as good support when competing for summer jobs.
Support for youth entrepreneurship
Helsinki offers 40 positions for entrepreneurship training directed at 15–29 year old people. Two alternative entrepreneurship programs for the summer are available, which give the opportunity to try entrepreneurship in a safe and guided way. One of the program providers are Economy and youth TAT and the other one is the 4H organisation. Both programs include entrepreneurship training, personal guidance, collective events and a summer entrepreneurship voucher worth 300 euros.
The quality control project continues this summer
The Most Functional City in the World quality control project that started last year continues this summer. Helsinki city employs in total 22 university students to work within quality control for employment periods of different lengths, to observe the implementation of the city strategy goals in practice. The objects to be evaluated are, among other things, street construction sites, the City’s customer service counters, outdoor recreation areas as well as parks and playgrounds.