The City of Helsinki Thesis Awards are open for proposals

The City of Helsinki Thesis Awards are open for proposals. The awards are intended for students who have completed a Master’s or equivalent undergraduate degree.
Ilmakuva Kalasatamasta.

The City of Helsinki Thesis Awards 2021 are open for proposals. The awards, totalling €4,000, are intended for students who have completed a Master’s or equivalent undergraduate degree during the academic year 2020–2021. The theses to be awarded should have a thematic link with Helsinki. There are no disciplinary restrictions. 

Proposals can only be submitted by thesis supervisors (departments, faculties, schools) and not by students themselves.

We invite you to submit your proposals by 12 October 2021, 23:59, to the following address: 

City of Helsinki

Opinnäytepalkinnot (Thesis awards 2021)

or by e-mail to: opens default mail program) 

Please provide the following attachments:

  • thesis abstract
  • link to electronic version of the thesis, if available
  • grade and evaluations
  • contact information for award candidate (telephone, postal address and e-mail)
  • name of thesis supervisor.

Do not hesitate to contact Research Director Katja Vilkama, City of Helsinki Executive Office, tel. +358 (0)9 310 78396, or opens default mail program), for more information on the thesis awards.

Photo: Paavo Jantunen

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