The closure of service centres and day activities will continue – services will be gradually opened in June

The closure of service centres and day activities will continue for two weeks until 31 May.
Neljä henkilöä seisoo liikuntasalissa ringissä.

The closure of service centres and day activities will continue for two weeks until 31 May.

– The number of coronavirus infections has decreased, but Helsinki is still in the spreading phase of the coronavirus epidemic. In this situation, restrictions must be lifted carefully and gradually. The risk of infection at gatherings is not over yet. That is why we cannot yet open up services in May, says Seija Meripaasi, Director of Hospital, Rehabilitation and Care Services.

The opening of services is also regularly discussed with other municipalities in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Restrictions in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area are generally lifted at the same pace.

The aim is to gradually open up the services in June

Gradual and limited openings of service centres, day activities and short-term care are currently being planned from 1 June onwards.

– If the coronavirus situation allows, we will gradually open up services in a limited manner to certain customers in June. Service centre operations cannot yet be opened up on a full scale yet, Meripaasi says.

– It is great that vaccinations for the elderly have progressed well. Some older people have already received both vaccines and some others will receive their second jab soon. This will contribute to enabling us to plan the gradual opening of services for the elderly, Meripaasi continues.

We will tell more about the opening of the services by the end of May, at the latest.

– We are preparing for the opening up, but we need to monitor the coronavirus situation and its development closely. We also hope that we will soon be able to slowly start the return to a more normal everyday life, Meripaasi says.

Photo: Oona Kunnasniemi

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