The Helmet libraries set new Helmet challenges related to books, music, games and films

The Helmet libraries set new Helmet challenges related to books, music, games and films to be completed in 2021.
Haasteiden julkaisun kansikuva: iloisia piirroshahmoja.

The Helmet libraries set new Helmet challenges related to books, music, games and films to be completed in 2021. Would you like to start a new hobby, re-invigorate an old passion or be inspired by these themes? 

The purpose of the Helmet challenges is to encourage people to read books, listen to music, play games and watch films more extensively than before but without the pressure of the need to accomplish anything. 

Helmet Reading Challenge

Helmet Reading Challenge encourages people to pick up a book. The challenge consists of 50 themes that the participants can use to pick something to read throughout the year. The themes can be related to the topic, name or author of a book. 

This year, the Helmet Reading Challenge in Finnish is also available in a plain language version.

As the name implies, the Little Helmet Reading Challenge is a smaller challenge with 25 themes. 

Discussions about both reading challenges are ongoing in the  Helmet Reading Challenge Facebook group(Link leads to external service) .

Helmet Music Challenge

The Helmet Music Challenge offers an interesting trip into the wonderful world of music. The challenge consists of 50 themes, and the idea is to listen to music you are unfamiliar with based on these themes throughout the year. 

You can discuss the challenge in the  Helmet Music Challenge Facebook group(Link leads to external service) . Y

Helmet Game Challenge

The purpose of the game challenge is to play 24 games in a year and to select the games according to the themes of the challenge. You do not have to complete the games, unless you want to set such a personal challenge. 

You can discuss the challenge, look for games to complete the challenge and share your tips in the  Helmet Game Challenge Facebook group(Link leads to external service) . It is also a handy platform to keep record of your progress. 

Helmet Film Challenge

The purpose of the Helmet Film Challenge is to watch 50 films in a year and to select the films according to the challenge’s themes. You can re-watch your favourite films or open your mind to new experiences. The purpose of the film challenge is to make your film hobby more enjoyable and in-depth.

The Little Helmet Film Challenge is a smaller challenge with 25 themes. 

You can discuss the film challenges in the  Helmet Film Challenge Facebook group(Link leads to external service) .

Read more: leads to external service)


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