The HPO spring season 2021 opens with a concert on January 15th, led by chief conductor Susanna Mälkki

The spring season 2021 opens with a concert on January 15th, led by chief conductor Susanna Mälkki.
Ylikapellimestari Susanna Mälkki.

The spring season 2021 opens with a concert on January 15th, led by chief conductor Susanna Mälkki. Even though public concerts are not possible in January 2021, the Orchestra will give concerts from the Concert Hall at the Music Centre in Helsinki, as HKO Screen – online concerts.

For the spring season there are only single-use tickets available. Season ticket seats from the spring season of 2020 are transferred to the autumn season 2021. 

HKO Screen – online concerts in

FRI15/1/2021 at 19.00 

Susanna Mälkki, conductor 
Håkan Hardenberger, trumpet 

Steven Reich: Music for ensemble and orchestra (Finnish premiere)
Betsy Jolas: Onze Lieder (Finnish premiere)
Jean Sibelius: Suite from King Christian II

Live stream Yle Radio 1, Yle Areena and HKO Screen –mobile application.

WED 20/1/2021 at 19.00 

Jukka-Pekka Saraste, conductor
Anika Vavic, piano 

Igor Stravinsky: Symphonies of Wind Instruments (1947)  
W.A. Mozart: Piano concerto no 21, C Major 
Robert Schumann: Symphony no 1 “Spring”   

Live stream Helsinki-kanava and HKO Screen – mobile application.

FRI 29/1/2021 at 19.00 

Miguel Harth-Bedoya, conductor 
Helena Juntunen, soprano

Philip Glass: Offerings based on theme by Ravi Shankar 
Behzad Ranjbaran: Songs of Eternity, for soprano and orchestra
Gabriela Lena Frank: Elegía Andina  
Manuel de Falla: El amor brujo  

Live stream Helsinki-kanava and HKO Screen – mobile application.

Planned concert dates
in February

Thu 4/2 Musica nova Helsinki -festival: André de Ridder, conductor & Nicolas Hodges, piano. Live stream Yle Radio 1, Yle Areena and HKO Screen –mobile application.

Fri 12/2 Junior concerts I & II: Eero Lehtimäki, conductor & Satu Sopanen, song and conferencier

Wed-Thu 17-18/2 Osmo Vänskä, conductor & Viktoria Mullova, violin

Read more:
Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra(Link leads to external service)

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