The matriculation examination for the spring 2021 starts 16 March. Students who participate in the matriculation examination will switch to distance teaching from March to minimise the risk of exposure to the coronavirus. 3,800 students from Helsinki City’s upper secondary schools will participate in the matriculation examination. The matriculation examination starts traditionally, with the mother tongue exam.
The City’s upper secondary schools have prepared in multiple ways to carry out safe examinations.
“We have gained experience from the arrangements last autumn when the examinations ran smoothly. We continue with the same procedures: one has to feel completely well to participate, we take care of good hand hygiene, we keep safety distances in every situation and wear masks if possible”, says Harri Korhonen, Head of Upper Secondary Education.
Students who participate in the matriculation examination and their guardians will receive practical instructions via Wilma when the examinations are approaching.
“I would like to stress the importance of being responsible in one’s leisure activities. It plays an important role in the minimising of the chains of infection. It is also important for the students’ immediate circle to take precautions in their leisure time as the matriculation examinations approach, to prevent the disease from spreading in the family circle”.
The matriculation examinations end 31 March 2021. “As for me, I wish successful matriculation examinations for all students in this exceptional time”, Harri Korhonen says.
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Coronavirus updates from Helsinki
Photo: Katja Tähjä