The mayor's resident evening event will be held in Lauttasaari on 11 November

The mayor's resident evening event will be held on 11 November 19.00–20.30 at Lauttasaaren yhteiskoulu.
Lauttasaaren silta iltavalaistuksessa. Sillan valot heijastuvat meriveden pinnalle.

The mayor's resident evening event will be held on 11 November 19.00–20.30 at Lauttasaaren yhteiskoulu. The resident evening can also be watched live(Link leads to external service) and later as a recording on the Helsinki-kanava channel.

The resident evening, hosted for the first time by Mayor Juhana Vartiainen, will bring people together again when the arrangements for the resident evening allow us to return to on-site gatherings. Lauttasaari residents, representatives and partners of the City of Helsinki are welcome to attend the event at Lauttasaaren yhteiskoulu.

Preliminary questions and topics for the resident evening are collected from residents in the KerroKantasi service(Link leads to external service) (Voice your opinion) with a survey that is openly readable and answered by everyone.

The resident evening is organized in cooperation with the Lauttasaari-Seuran society.

Resident evening procedure

Discussions will begin at 19:00 and end at 20:30. During the evening, residents can ask questions concerning Lauttasaari's current affairs directly from the Mayor of Helsinki Juhana Vartiainen and sector leaders. You can also send questions to the event via the message wall through a link on the website of the Helsinki-kanava channel. The mayor's resident evening will be shown live on the Helsinki-kanava channel(Link leads to external service).

A recording of the event will be available for later viewing on the Helsinki-kanava channel site.

The mayor's resident evening will be held at Lauttasaari yhteiskoulu on 11 November 2021 from 19.00–20.30 (Isokaari 19(Link leads to external service), 00200 Helsinki). Health safety practices will be followed at the event. Read more on the site about current coronavirus updates.(Link leads to external service)

A recording of the event will be available for later viewing on the Helsinki-kanava channel site.

Read more:

Helsinki-kanava channel(Link leads to external service) (LIVE / The mayor's resident evening event)

VIDEO(Link leads to external service): Tunnelmia Lauttasaaresta

VIDEO(Link leads to external service): Lauttasaari on rauhallinen paikka elää

Voice your opinion survey(Link leads to external service)

Facebook event(Link leads to external service)

Find your way to participate in and influence the development of Helsinki(Link leads to external service)

Mayor’s resident evenings (in Finnish)

Foto: Ari Leppä, City of Helsinki Media Bank

The news
has been published on 15.10. and has been updated on 9.11. and 11.11.

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