The Stoa and Puhos area is set to be renewed, what do you think about the plans?

Please read more about the project and tell us your opinion between 11 and 29 January 2021 at
ITIS SITI kilpailutyöstä näkymäkuva Puhoksen kauppakujasta

The City of Helsinki wants to renew the Stoa and Puhos area and make it better. This is why the City is asking the residents, customers and entrepreneurs of the area what is important to take into consideration in the renewal. Please read more about the project and tell us your opinion between 11 and 29 January 2021 at leads to external service) .

The planning of the Stoa and Puhos area is still in its early stages

The City has now created its planning principles. The key objectives for planning the Stoa and Puhos area are:

  • Making the public environments enjoyable for everyone. Public environments are locations such as pedestrian routes, markets and squares.
  • Renovating the oldest and most valuable section of Puhos shopping centre. The oldest section of Puhos is shaped like a fan and called the A section.
  • Possibly making Stoa Culture Centre larger in the future. The larger building may be built in the current Stoa parking area. A new square or park may also built in the parking area.
  • Demolishing old buildings in the area and replacing them with new ones. Buildings could also be built to replace current parking areas, lawns and bushes.

Please read more about the project and tell us your opinion between 11 and 29 January 2021 at leads to external service) .