Themes of smart, green and sustainable communities as Commissioner Thierry Breton meets EU city leaders

Commissioner Thierry Breton meets with mayors and city executives from member cities of the Living-in.EU and Intelligent Cities Challenge on Thursday 2 December.
Komissaari Thierry Breton, Commission meets EU mayors.

Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internal Market, will meet with mayors and city executives from member cities of the Living-in.EU and Intelligent Cities Challenge networks supporting sustainable digital development to discuss green and digital change and the socio-economic transformation of cities and communities. The event, which will take place in the form of panel discussions, will take place on Thursday 2 December 2021.

Helsinki's mayor Juhana Vartiainen will participate in the event.

- In Helsinki, for example, the basis of the data strategy is related to a broad change in thinking towards the people-oriented utilization of data. In addition, we strongly believe in cooperation and the way ecosystems do things - which is why projects and measures at EU level are also important. Pioneering cities in the digital age, such as Helsinki, must support cities that have more work to do to achieve our common European goals,concludes Mayor Vartiainen.

The dialogue between Commissioner Breton and the cities will take place in two panel discussions, the first focusing on the design and implementation of green and digital change in the local economy and society, the role of innovation and technology, local green contracts and workforce development and retraining. Another panel discussion will focus on the potential of technology, data management in cities, and the use of local digital twins in information management. The Mayor of Helsinki will take part in the latter debate.

The event will be held in hybrid form, partly in Brussels, partly online. The discussion can be followed live on YouTube in English or French on 2 December from 15:30–17:30 (Finnish time).

Additional information:

Detailed program: Smart, Green and Resilient Cities and Communities - Dialogue between EU Mayors and the Commission(Link leads to external service)
YouTube-broadcast: Smart, Green and Resilient Cities and Communities - Dialogue between EU Mayors and the Commission(Link leads to external service)
YouTube-broadcast (French): Villes et communautés intelligentes, vertes et résilientes(Link leads to external service)

Living-in.EU(Link leads to external service)
Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC)(Link leads to external service)

Photo: Living-in.EU

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