This is what 2023 was like for the City of Helsinki

The City of Helsinki's Annual Report describes the economic outlook in 2023, measures to promote employment and measures carried out in suburban regeneration areas, among other topics.
Helsingin kaupungintalo meren puolelta nähtynä
The City of Helsinki's Annual Report 2023 was prepared by the City Executive Office in cooperation with the city’s divisions. Photo: Sakari Röyskö.

Summarizing the City of Helsinki in 2023, the Annual Report states, among other things, that Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine continued, the Middle East crisis spread, the effects of inflation were felt widely, and interest rates rose.

The Annual Report includes reviews by the Mayor and the City Manager, as well as concise accounts on the city’s divisions. 

The divisions of the City of Helsinki produce a wide range of services

In 2023, approximately 43,000 pupils participated in basic education organised by the Education Division; approximately 700 pupils more than in the previous year.

The Annual Report also discusses the fact that the Urban Environment Division zoned more than 320,000 square meters of floor space, almost half of which was zoned for infill construction. The goal had been to start building 8,000 homes, but that figure remained at just over 5,000.

In the Culture and Leisure Division, the main goal was to get Helsinki residents to start using services again after the pandemic. The number of people using libraries, museums, youth facilities, and sports and cultural services exceeded the target, with more than 21 million physical visits, compared to the target of 19 million.

The role of the Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division in promoting and ensuring the daily safety of Helsinki residents was strengthened when the Social Services and Health Care Division and the Rescue Department merged as part of the national health and social services reform. Although the Division is part of the City of Helsinki, its finances are separate from the city’s finances. The state funds the social, health care and rescue services required by law.

The City Executive Office was for example responsible for the meetings of the City Council and the City Board.

The City of Helsinki's Annual Report is available in print and online

The final section of the Annual Report focuses on the City of Helsinki’s financial figures.

The City of Helsinki's Annual Report will be printed and made available on the City's website in Finnish, Swedish and English.


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