Treat mild flu symptoms at home

For most cases of flu and respiratory infections, home care is sufficient. The flu usually clears up by itself in a few days.
Terveydenhoitaja Lauttasaaren terveysasemalla.

For most cases of flu and respiratory infections, home care is sufficient. The flu usually clears up by itself in a few days.

Self-treatment may be used to relieve the symptoms. Treat flu symptoms by resting and drinking something hot. Painkillers can also be used to alleviate the symptoms.

When sick, you should stay at home and avoid movement and contact with other people. A mild COVID-19 disease can also be treated at home. By doing this, you help to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.

Seek help if necessary

If you have respiratory symptoms or COVID-19 and need an assessment from a nurse or doctor, do a symptom assessment at leads to external service) or call the Helsinki coronavirus helpline, tel. 09 310 10024 (every day 8:00–18:00) or your own health centre.

Do not come directly to the health centre if you have symptoms. Currently, a variety of respiratory infections are circulating and health centres are congested.

In other matters, if possible, contact us electronically at leads to external service) or call the service number of your own health centre.

Preventing the spread of COVID-19 with familiar methods

As the COVID-19 epidemic continues, the old familiar ways of preventing infections continue to work. It is still important to ensure good hand hygiene and safety distances and to wear a mask in public spaces, including public transport.

You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test at leads to external service) or by calling the Coronavirus Helpline. If you have not yet been vaccinated, be sure to have a COVID-19 vaccination. Appointments for vaccination can be booked online at leads to external service) or on 09 310 46300, Mon–Fri 8:00–16:00.

Influenza vaccinations continue through December

The quickest way to book an influenza vaccination is at leads to external service). You can also book an appointment by calling 09 310 46300 (weekdays 8:00–16:00).

People in risk groups and those close to them are entitled to a free influenza vaccination.

The influenza vaccine provides protection against influenza, its serious forms and secondary diseases. This year, it is especially important to have the vaccination, as it is possible to get COVID-19 and an influenza virus at the same time.

Further information

  • Instructions on how to treat the flu can be found, for example, on the Duodecim website(Link leads to external service) (in Finnish).