Voice your opinion on the substance abuse situation in Helsinki – take the survey by 13 October

The biennial Nationwide Substance Survey has begun. We encourage all Helsinki residents aged 13 or older to answer the survey and voice their opinion on their neighbourhood’s substance abuse situation. This year, young adults have been given their own survey form. We seek current information to help reduce the harm caused by alcohol, tobacco, and gambling, among others.
Illustration of the city and its inhabitants.
Photo: Lille Santanen

The City of Helsinki is once more surveying its residents’ opinions on the substance abuse situation in their neighbourhoods and addition care opportunities. The survey is open online on 23 September – 13 October 2024. All residents who are 13 or older are invited to complete the survey. Young adults’ opinions are sought with their own form, and people over 18 have their own. Responding will take 5–10 minutes.

The questions revolve around topics like alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, and gambling. There are also questions about underage substance use and experiences of how city services bring up substances. The substance survey is anonymous and also available in Swedish and English.

The substance survey is a part of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)’s nationwide preventive substance abuse service model, Pakka. Results of the online survey are used by Helsinki and the other cities of the Metropolitan Area in their work towards promoting health and well-being and preventive substance abuse services. Current information helps with the local work that aims to reduce the harm of alcohol and tobacco abuse as well as gambling in Helsinki. The results of the survey will lead into targeted measures. We will share the results closer to the end of the year.

Survey for 13–17-year-old residents (link to Webropol form): https://link.webropol.com/s/youth2024(Link leads to external service)

Survey for adult residents (link to Webropol form): https://link.webropol.com/s/substancesurvey(Link leads to external service)

More information on the Pakka operating model (link to THL website): n(Link leads to external service)