Develop tourism

Helsinki attracts a vast number of Finnish and international travelers annually, resulting in significant benefits for a diverse array of businesses. The city actively collaborates with tourism enterprises, fostering a supportive environment and facilitating valuable networking opportunities. Together, Helsinki and these businesses work diligently to shape the city into an enticing, secure, and sustainable destination for all visitors.

Cafe Regatta.
Image: Jussi Hellsten / Helsinki Partners
Photo: Sakari Röyskö / Business Helsinki

Helsinki Tourist Information

Both locals and tourists are welcome to the Helsinki Tourist Information! The information staff provides free information and inspiration about the city, main attractions, events, and services. In addition, for members of the Helsingin tekijät network, the information provides visibility both on all information points and digital channels. All members can also teach about their services and goods to the tourist information staff, enabling the staff to give better recommendations to customers.

Helsinki Tourist Information(Link leads to external service)

Helsinki Tourism and Events Programme 2022–2026

The joint programme of the Helsinki City Group operators has been prepared to support the long-term development of the tourism and event sectors for 2022–2026. It has three main strategic objectives: 

  1. Helsinki is a vibrant and internationally attractive city for tourism and events 
  2. Helsinki is an international pioneer and solution provider in sustainability, tourism and events 
  3. Helsinki is a smart destination and a functional event city 

The joint objectives guide the City Group’s operations for the benefit of travellers, residents, event visitors, local businesses and other operators.

Helsinki Tourism and Events Programme 2022–2026 (pdf)

Helsinki Tourism and Events Programme 2022–2026 Appendix: Measures and indicators (pdf)

The progress of the Helsinki Tourism and Events Programme is reported annually to the Economic Development Sub-committee of the City Board:

Helsinki Tourism and Events Programme annual report 2023 (pdf)

Helsinki Tourism and Events Programme annual report 2024 (pdf)

Photo: Jussi Hellsten / Torikorttelit

City of Helsinki's Tourism Director