16-kilometre guided mountain biking trail in the middle of Central Park

Helsinki’s first guided mountain biking trail has been constructed in Central Park, i.e. the largest park that cuts through the Finnish capital. The trail is ready on 19 June 2023 and it is 16 kilometres long, winds through varying forested terrain and is indicated with red marks on trees. The trail starts on the north side of the Laakso horse riding field, runs through Central Park and ends up at the Paloheinä outdoor recreation centre by way of the Pitkäkoski and Haltiala forest areas. It can be cycled in both directions.
Maastopyöräilijä Keskuspuiston opastetulla reitillä.
Keskuspuiston maastopyöräreitti on ajotaidolliselta vaativuusluokaltaan keskivaativa. Photo: Kuutti Heikkilä

The trail is primarily intended for mountain bikes only, but it is also suitable for walking and running. In any case, it is advisable to set the pace to suit your own skill level, because the trail includes rocks, roots and narrow sections with limited visibility.

Central Park is a popular outdoor recreation area, so you will need to take other outdoor recreation enthusiasts into account. Sections of the mountain biking trails run along public hiking trails or cross them. The crossings have been marked with wooden posts and red route markings.

“The most important things on the mountain biking trail are to know your skill level, take others into account and, of course, have a great time riding. We want Central Park to provide opportunities for traditional types of outdoor recreation but also new sports that are increasing in popularity, such as mountain biking,” says Minttu Perttula, Special Designer for the City of Helsinki Sports Services.

“The new mountain biking trail in Central Parks fulfils the wishes of many and has been designed consulting mountain biking experts. A well-built and signposted trail is also the best guarantee for conserving the surrounding nature. The unique aspect of Central Park is the coexistence of nature and the people enjoying outdoor recreation,” says Tiina Saukkonen, Planning Expert in charge of the construction of the mountain biking trail at the City of Helsinki Urban Environment Decision.

The trail will be available from the beginning of May until the end of November, and will be maintained by the City of Helsinki Sports Services. It will not be maintained in winter, because parts of it cross ski tracks.

You can download the GPX track for the Central Park mountain biking trail onto your own smart device. The GPX track is not exactly accurate and instead provides an indication of where the route runs. It should be used with support from the signposts and markings on the terrain.

GPX track of the Central Park mountain biking trail (file format GPX)

Description of and etiquette for mountain biking

In terms of the skill level required, the Central Park mountain biking trail presents a moderate challenge. The majority of the trail consists of narrow paths running through the forest. Some sections feature demanding rocky uphill and downhill slopes with warning signs. It is possible to walk your bike up or down these inclines. The rocks and roots on the narrow paths increase the challenge of the trail.

Anyone who decides to ride the trail does so at their own risk. Care is required on the demanding sections of the trail and when meeting other people along the way. It is polite to use a bell or to call out when approaching others.

Sections where the mountain biking trail crosses other outdoor recreation trails feature warning signs urging cyclists to slow down. Extra care is required at crossings with horse-riding trails. In the event of an accident, it is the responsibility of everyone present to help the injured person.

The wetter sections of the route have been reinforced with gravel and wooden bridges have been built over trenches. In the Haltialanmetsä Nature Reserve, cycling is only permitted along the marked routes. Cyclists are also recommended to stick to the trail in all parts Central Park to protect the environment. You should avoid wetland areas and locking your brakes along the route. Littering in Central Park is prohibited.

Also read the etiquette prepared by Suomen latu for mountain biking trails (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

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