Apply now for 1st and 2nd graders’ after-school activities in spring 2023 

The City of Helsinki has negotiated with after-school activities service providers, and with their help, the city is able to increase the number of places in after-school activities for the coming spring. Vacancies are available in existing groups and new groups will most likely be formed in at least the following playgrounds: Intia, Laurinniitty, Mäkitorppa, Munkki, Nurkka, Sanna, Santahamina, Tuorinniemi and Ulvila. 
Photo: Jefunne Gimpel

If your first or second grader has participated in open after-school activities at a playground and will continue to need after-school activities in the coming spring, you can apply online. For information on club activities and hobbies for pupils in grades 3–4, see the schools’ websites.

Use the city Service map to find after-school activity groups near your child’s school.   
Submit an online application form via the links at the bottom of the page. Please note that the online application form is available in Finnish and Swedish only. You can ignore the application period dates on the form.

The client fee for a place in after-school activities that end at 16.00 is EUR 100 per month, and a place in after-school activities that end at 17.00 is EUR 120 per month. You can apply for discount on the client fee, if necessary. 

Applications will be processed in the order of urgency as they are submitted. Priority will be given to first graders and children in need of special support.

The spring activities and groups will be planned based on the submitted applications. Guardians will receive information on their child’s place in after-school activities and starting time by telephone or email as soon as the place is confirmed.

If you have questions about applying for after-school activities or the processing of applications, email your enquiry to opens default mail program).