Backlog in infection tracking – instructions for infected people

Infection tracking is backlogged. We are unable to call all infected people during the 10 days of isolation.
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Infection tracking is backlogged. We are unable to call all infected people during the 10 days of isolation.

The purpose of isolation is to prevent the virus from spreading to other people. During isolation, you must avoid close contact with other people and stay at home or in your apartment. Read more detailed isolation instructions on our website.

We will send a text message to infected people

We will send all infected people a text message with a link to an online form that requires strong electronic authentication to open and complete. The form will provide you with instructions on how to proceed. It allows you to send information about, among other things, people you may have exposed. Please return the completed online form.

We recommend that you tell your close contacts about their possible exposure, but there is no obligation to do so.

If you do not get the SMS, please follow the isolation instructions on the website.

Isolation lasts at least 10 days

The duration of the isolation is usually at least 10 days from the onset of symptoms or from the testing date in the case of asymptomatic patients. There should be two asymptomatic days before the end of the isolation, i.e. the fever is gone and the other symptoms are clearly diminishing.

If these conditions are met, you do not need to contact the Epidemiologic Operations Unit and can continue your life as normal after isolation. We will contact you later about the isolation decision.

If you still have a fever or other clear symptoms related to coronavirus on the ninth day of isolation, please contact the Epidemiologic Operations Unit to continue isolation, tel. 09 310 51222 (weekdays 9:00–15:30 and weekends 10:15–16:00). You can also send a contact request via e-mail to opens default mail program). Please state in the email that your concern is about isolation. However, do not send your personal health information by email.

What to do if you get serious symptoms?

If you develop any serious symptoms, such as shortness of breath, and your overall condition deteriorates, call the Coronavirus Helpline, tel. 09 310 10024 (open daily 8:00–18:00). At other times, please call the Medical Helpline, tel. 116 117. In a situation requir-ing immediate treatment, for example if you are experiencing sudden chest pain, call the emergency number 112.

This peace of news was updated 28.12.