Success is thanks to the hard work and cooperation of clients and professionals. What is noteworthy is that instead of looking at people’s inability to work, the focus has shifted towards reinforcing clients’ existing work abilities and promoting employment.
Good results through work coaching
The Työkykyisempi Stadi project involved trying out work coaching with rehabilitative work activity clients. The duration of the unemployment period of those taking part in work coaching varied from a few months to decades. The oldest participant to find employment was 63 years old, while the youngest was 23. 65% of the clients found a job. Work coaching was found to support successful employment also among people who have been unemployed for longer periods of time.
Jobcenter model rewarded: Modified work makes working alongside work activities possible
For a long time, work activity services have called for new methods to enable clients to take their first steps towards work life. Helsinki developed the Jobcenter model, in which work activity clients got to try part-time salaried work at a low threshold alongside participating in regular work activities. The basic idea is to bring suitable jobs and people together. It is essential to support clients in their work tasks according to their individual needs.
The Jobcenter model has been positively received. Many clients have managed to find jobs that suit their skills. For example, the Jobcenter model provided the City of Helsinki with workers to support activities that focus on assisting seniors. The possibilities and the variety of different work tasks are endless.
The Työkyvyn tuen verkosto (‘Work Ability Support Network’) operating model developed in the project and the Jobcenter model were awarded at the Kuntatyö2030 gala in December 2022 as successful development actions in the domain of health and social services. Although our work is far from being completed, we are well-positioned to co-create improved employment opportunities in the future!