Biodiversity to be increased in the parks and street areas of Malminkartano and Kannelmäki – voice your opinion on the plans

The City of Helsinki will increase biodiversity in parks and street areas in Kannelmäki and Malminkartano. Residents are now asked to give their opinions on idea plans to enrich biodiversity in eight different sites. By responding to the Voice Your Opinion (Kerrokantasi) survey, you can influence the more detailed planning of the sites. The survey is open from 3 to 17 December.
Kuvituskuva Kannelmäen Soittajantorin ideasuunnitelmasta.
A draft idea plan for the Soittajantori square in Kannelmäki. Photo: Maisema-arkkitehtitoimisto Näkymä Oy

The sites include parks, street areas and squares that are currently fairly unused, or that could be made greener. When selecting the sites, attention has also been payed to future local detailed plans, streets and park modification projects in which biodiversity can be increased. The idea plans concern Pihkapuisto, Tuulenpesäntie, Tuulenpesänpolku, Kaarnapuisto and Renginpuisto in Malminkartano, and Soittajantori, the Soittajanpolku park, Pasuunapuisto and Mikonmäki in Kannelmäki.

The plans include modifications such as changing lawn areas into meadows, using decaying wood, increasing food plants for pollinators, birds and other animals, creating shelters and nesting places for animals, and supporting the movement of animals from one area to another by improving the links between green areas.

The plans presented in the survey that is now open will be specified in spring 2025, and they are planned to be implemented in the next few years. The project is a continuation of the Public Area Plan for Kaarela for 2024–2027, which was available for comments earlier this year. The feedback received on the public area plan has been taken into account in the planning of this project.

This is a pilot project in which the city collects experiences of increasing biodiversity in parks and street areas. Malminkartano and Kannelmäki were chosen for the pilot because they are part of Helsinki’s suburban regeneration areas, where special efforts are being made to improve services and attractiveness.

How to participate

Explore the plans and let us know what you think is positive and functions well. Also tell us what you think is missing in the idea plans, or how the plans could be developed.

Explore the plans and share your thoughts in the Kerrokantasi (Link leads to external service) survey. The survey is open from 3 to 17 December 2024. The survey is in Finnish.

We will use the feedback received to develop more detailed plans for the sites.