Candles are lit on Senate Square to support Ukraine on Monday February 24th at 6pm

Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine will soon enter its fourth year. On the third anniversary of the start of the war, we can come together to show that we have not forgotten the pain and suffering of Ukrainians. Join us at the "Light for Ukraine" event at Helsinki's Senate Square at 18.00 on Monday 24 February and light a candle in support of Ukraine and its people. Together we can send a message of hope, justice and peace.
There are thousands of candles on the steps of the cathedral.
The “Light for Ukraine” event will take place in Helsinki’s Senate Square on 24 February. The public may place their own candles of the steps of the Cathedral. Photo: Kimmo Brandt/Compic

The Light for Ukraine event starts on Senate Square at 6 pm. The programme includes performances by Ukrainian choirs as well as greetings from Helsinki mayor Juhana Vartiainen and paralympic champions Anna Hontar and Yaroslav Semenenko. Finnish state leadership and diplomats from around the world will also attend. The event ends with Finlandia hymn sung by Akateeminen Laulu choir.

2,000 candles will be distributed by the organisers from 5.30pm onwards. You can also lay your own grave candle on the steps of the Helsinki Cathedral from 3pm onwards. After the event, the candles will be collected by the Ukrainian Association in Finland and sent out to the front in Ukraine, where their wax will be repurposed for energy and light sources.

You can also participate in the event remotely through social media by posting a picture of a candle or a candle emoji. The hashtags for this event are #WeMustNOTForget and #WeStandWithUkraine.

The Light for Ukraine event is organised by the Lutheran Church in Helsinki, Mothersforpeace ry, and the Ukrainian Association in Finland in cooperation with the City of Helsinki, the University of Helsinki, the Prime Minister’s Office, and the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Finland and Iceland. 

Light for Ukraine programme

  • 6 pm Opening words by host Elina Hirvonen
  • The Ukrainian Association in Finland’s Perespiv Choir (dir. Volodymyr Andrushchak) performs The Sword of Arei
  • Invited guests, organisers and diplomats lay their candles on the steps of Helsinki Cathedral.
  • The bells of the Cathedral are rung followed by a minute’s silence for victims of the war.
  • Greeting from Juhana Vartiainen, Mayor of Helsinki
  • Greetings from paralympic champions Anna Hontar and Yaroslav Semenenko. A message to the people of Finland and to Ukrainians fleeing from the war from Olga Dibrova, Ukraine's Ambassador to Finland.
  • Kalyna Choir (dir. Anastasiia Snietko) perfroms A Cuckoo Flew, ‘Letila zozulia’
  • 6.30 pm Akateeminen Laulu Choir performs Finlandia Hymn. End of programme.

You are welcome to lay your own candle on the stairs of Helsinki Cathedral until 8 pm.

Helsinki supports Ukraine and its people 

Helsinki will continue its unwavering support of Ukraine and its people for as long as it is needed.

"It is now the task of the entire Western community to show, through its actions, to Ukraine and the world that justice will ultimately prevail," said Helsinki Mayor Juhana Vartiainen.

"We found hope today by being together, remembering and showing our support. We will not forget Ukraine or its people, for we will stand for democracy, freedom and self-determination now and in the future."

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