The temporary traffic arrangements involved in the renovation of Mannerheimintie will change at the intersection of Mannerheimintie, Reijolankatu and Stenbäckinkatu in Taka-Töölö on Wednesday 20 November. In particular, the work will affect the driving lanes towards the city centre and prevent through-traffic on Stenbäckinkatu.
Two lanes to be merged
Until now, those driving towards the city centre straight down Mannerheimintie and turning left to Reijolankatu have had two lanes available. After the change, these lanes will merge, and going forward, the same lane will be used to turn left to Reijolankatu and drive straight down Mannerheimintie towards the city centre.
The lane change will be made because space is needed for the construction of water infrastructure at the intersection. The change will not affect the northward driving lanes or pavements.
Traffic congestions may occur – favour alternative routes
The traffic arrangements now extend further towards Töölöntulli. The changes may increase congestions on Mannerheimintie on the driving lanes towards the city centre between Töölöntulli and Reijolankatu.
At times, congestions may also extend further towards Laakso and Meilahti on Mannerheimintie and Tukholmankatu. We recommend using alternative routes if possible.
Driving through the Mannerheimintie worksite will be possible throughout the renovation. For the duration of the renovation, motor vehicles will have access to one lane in each direction, but traffic congestions may occur.
Through-traffic on Stenbäckinkatu to be closed
Due to the construction work, through-traffic will be closed from Stenbäckinkatu to Mannerheimintie and Reijolankatu and vice versa. Vehicle traffic will be guided onto an alternative route via Messeniuksenkatu and Nordenskiöldinkatu.
The worksite is located in the middle of the intersection, so through-traffic will be closed for the duration of the work. Vehicle access to the courtyards, parking garages and stairwells of the properties on the street will continue to be available normally from the direction of Topeliuksenkatu.
Renovation progressing on schedule
The renovation of Mannerheimintie is progressing on schedule, and the project is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. The first phase of the renovation was completed in autumn 2024, starting the second phase. More than half of the water and sewer pipes and tram tracks involved in the second phase have already been installed. The work will continue throughout the winter.