Culture around Teurastamo, housing in the northern section – plans for the central area up in the air
Last year, the City Of Helsinki created four draft scenarios outlining the ways in which various operations could be arranged in the Wholesale Market area. Initial data was collected and the interests of various actors were surveyed last year as part of the planning work. Although the timetable for larger changes remains open, the preliminary functional division has been clarified during the planning phase. The planning is guided by a vision of a centre for urban and food culture with room for wholesale activities as well.
The planning principles develop the Teurastamo area further as a hub for urban and food culture, with the northern section of the area reserved for housing. Two development ideas for the central section of the Wholesale Market have been floated, and the City is now working together with the operators of the events arena and the new freezing plant to examine the option of placing both of the projects in the same area.
Current land lease agreements to expire in 2036
The location of the Wholesale Market within the city structure has changed over the past decade and has become more central as the centre of the city has migrated towards Kalasatama. That is why the City aims to develop the wholesale operation in a more efficient direction in terms of the use of space and increasing the diversity of the service offering of the area. With the development of the Wholesale Market and Suvilahti, the area can be made into a significant hub for leisure time activities, culture and events.
The current land lease agreements will expire by 2036. The planning principles will determine the activities that will be carried out in the region in the 2040s. However, in order to allow the area’s operators to prepare for future changes, the drafting of the planning principles has been started well in advance.
The planning principles do not enable construction as such, but steer the next planning stages. They provide guidelines on how to develop the different sections of the Wholesale Market. They will be used to prepare the amendments to the local detailed plan later on, specifying the buildings to be preserved, the locations and scope of the new buildings and the activities permitted in the buildings.
The planning principles also address the transport principles of the area, as the needs of transport within the area have changed over time. The goal is to improve transversal pedestrian connections locally. At the same time, improvements to the pedestrian routes from Agroksenmäki to Hermanninranta and Hermanni Park will be explored.
Planning principles open for comment towards the end of the year
The aim is to have the planning principles ready in late 2025. The City will then create an online survey where residents can provide their views on the plans. The party responsible for the approval of the planning principles is the Urban Environment Committee.