A continuous journey of self-reflection
One by one, the children wake from their naps. Some gather around a table to play with Legos, while others choose to read a book. If anyone forgets what’s planned for the day, they can check the illustrated activity cards on the wall. Mondays are for physical activities, on Tuesdays the kids focus on academic skills.
Sann greets the waking children gently, promising to help them pick a preferable picture book from the shelf.
– The way you are as a teacher reflects on the group. You need to be mindful of what you carry with you, she says. Sann herself carries calmness, humor, and acceptance of both oneself and others to the group.
Interactions with children and their parents provide constant opportunities for self-evaluation – reflecting on her reactions, tone of voice, and body language. This reflective approach also extends to Sann’s team.
– I hope the children who leave here have strong social skills and healthy self-esteem, she says.
Eventually, the children do move on. For Sann, the most challenging moments of the school year are the end-of-year celebrations each spring. She misses every group.
– Luckily, the kids often come back to the fence later to share their adventures, she says, pointing outside to the yard.