Employment services will be transferred to municipalities in January – job search practices will remain in place

Employment services will be transferred from the state to the municipalities at the beginning of 2025. In Helsinki, the service will be provided by Helsinki Employment Services. For jobseekers, services will continue uninterrupted, and they will not need to take any action due to the change.
Kuvituskuva, ihmisiä toimistossa.
Employment services will be transferred from the state to the municipalities at the beginning of 2025. For jobseekers, services will continue uninterrupted, and they will not need to take any action due to the change. Photo: Matti Pyykkö

Employment services will be transferred from the state to the municipalities at the beginning of 2025

Helsinki Employment Services locations in Helsinki will remain unchanged at Kamppi, Itäkeskus, Viipurinkatu and Ohjaamo, the One-Stop Guidance Centre for under-30-year-olds on Fredrikinkatu. The TE Office’s Pasila location will close its doors by the end of this year.

The digital online employment service Job Market Finland will also remain in use. The service allows you to register as a job seeker, create a job search profile and search for jobs. Information is available in Finnish, Swedish and English. The E-services are available in Finnish and Swedish. If you need help using Job Market Finland, you can get assistance at the Kamppi or Itäkeskus locations.

The data of current TE service customers will be automatically transferred to the municipal services. If your employment situation is changing at the turn of the year, you should report the change in advance using the  Job Market Finland online service.

“The reform aims to provide customers with broader and more versatile support for employment and strengthening their skills. At our best, we can help job seekers find work faster and employers find the experts they need,” says the City of Helsinki’s Director of Employment, Annukka Sorjonen.

Services for employers will also be transferred to Helsinki Employment Services starting from January 2025.

Please follow these steps:

  • If you are a customer of the TE Office or Helsinki Employment Services, you do not need to take any action due to the change.
  • If you know that your employment situation will change at the turn of the year, you can report it in advance using the online service Job Market Finland E-services.

Services for jobseekers

E-services:  tyomarkkinatori.fi(Link leads to external service)
Advisory services without an appointment:
Kamppi (Malminkatu 34) and Itäkeskus (Asiakkaankatu 3A), Mon–Fri, 9:00–16:00
Services by appointment: 
Viipurinkatu office (Viipurinkatu 2), Mon–Fri, 9:00–16:00
Nuorten Ohjaamo (Advice service for young people) (15–29 years): 
Kamppi (Fredrikinkatu 48), Mon–Fri, 12:00–16:00, and Itäkeskus (Asiakkaankatu 3A), Thursdays, 12:00–16:00
Telephone service: +358 9 310 36107, Mon–Fri, 9:00–15:00

Employer services

E-services:  tyomarkkinatori.fi(Link leads to external service)
Additional information: 
tyollisyyspalvelut.hel.fi/en(Link leads to external service)