Yearly check-ups by a nurse that have been missed for play-age children can now be booked for the rest of the year from our two centralized clinics, Malmi or Laakso.
The centralized clinics primarily carry out health checks on play-age children (3-year-olds, 4-year-olds, 5-year-olds, and 6-year-olds) and you can come from all over the city, even if your own clinic is located elsewhere.
You can book an appointment via our telephone service, tel. 09 310 55530(Link starts a phone call) (Mon–Fri 8:00–14:00).
Malmi's centralized clinic is located alongside good transport connections near the train station, at Malmi raitti 17 A. The second clinic unit is located on the premises of Laakso clinic at Lääkärinkatu 8.
You can also request additional information from your own clinic!