Helsinki awarded research grants for urban research

The City of Helsinki awarded research grants worth €73,000 to ten research projects.

On 12 June 2022, the City of Helsinki awarded research grants worth €73,000 to ten research projects.

The grants are intended for researchers with a Master’s degree, especially those working on their licentiate or doctoral thesis. The grants are also awarded to support junior post-doc researchers.

The grantees are selected based on the scientific quality and feasibility of the research plan and the topic’s significance for the City of Helsinki.

The City of Helsinki Research Grant awardees and topics are as follows:

Somayeh, MSc, University of Helsinki
Helsinki urban wetlands and their management: using the past to manage for the future 

Ida, LicMed, University of Helsinki
COVID-19-epidemian vaikutus terveydenhuoltohenkilöstön terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin (Impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the health and well-being of health care professionals)

Kaarivuo Aura, MA, University of Jyväskylä
Kaupunkiäänimaiseman älykäs kehittäminen (Smart development of the urban sound landscape)

Lähde Joni, MPolSc, University of Helsinki
Tiedonmuodostus lastensuojelun avohuollon jännitteisissä olosuhteissa (Creation of knowledge under strained conditions in child welfare outpatient services)

Veera, MPolSc, Aalto University
Korttelipihoilta lähiömetsiin, huolipuheesta leikkipaikkanormeihin. Lapset Helsingin kaupungin suunnittelussa ja muistitietoaineistoissa 1940–1990 (From block yards to suburban forests, from worry talk to playground standards. Children in the City of Helsinki’s planning and memory databases in 1940–1990) 

Kerli, MSc, University of Helsinki
Spatial integration or isolation? Everyday mobility across neighbourhoods in Helsinki based on mobile phone data 

Tiina, ThM, University of Helsinki
Gerontologinen sosiaalityö ja ikääntyneen hyvän edistäminen. Toimintateoreettinen tarkastelu gerontologisen sosiaalityön tavoitteista, keinoista ja onnistumisen ehdoista (Gerontological social work and promotion of the good of the elderly. Activity-theoretical review of the objectives, means and conditions of success of gerontological social work)

Ståhlberg Lauri, MEd, University of Helsinki
Peruskoululaisten lukemisen tuen kohdistuminen ja heikot lukijat (Focus of the reading support for comprehensive school pupils and weak readers)

Julia, MSc, University of Helsinki
Assessing adaptation – urban heat island effect indicators and policy instrument effectiveness

Jun, MA, Aalto University
Smart advisory system for predicting walkability to enhance urban sustainability

Further information about the research grants: Katja Vilkama, Research Manager, tel. +358 9 310 78396 and Karoliina Lauriala, Planning Secretary, tel. +358 9 310 37542. The email addresses follow the format opens default mail program) .