extensive renovation and modernization of the building of Helsinki Media Arts
Upper Secondary School (at
Moisiontie 3) has been completed. The upper secondary school continues
operation with an expanded student body. The goal of the renovation and
modernization project was to ensure that the school facilities are safe and
healthy. The project also improved the building’s energy efficiency.
Owing to the renovation project, Helsinki Media Arts Upper Secondary School – Melu for short – enjoys and benefits from improved learning environments.
“In the course of the renovation work, our school facilities were slightly adjusted to better meet our needs. For example, the school library was turned into a well-lit multi-purpose space, which can easily be turned into a studio for live TV broadcasts and into a splendid radio studio. We can also use a professional-level multi-camera studio, which was built earlier,” says Salla
Leijavuori, the school’s communication officer.
Media Arts Upper Secondary School ensured healthy facilities
The school renovation project partially repaired and partially replaced the exterior walls, the roof and the windows of the old parts of the building, and the ventilation system was upgraded to meet contemporary standards. The heat insulation of the exterior walls and the roof was replaced with clean and more efficient insulation. The base floor of the building was repaired, and improvements were made in the building foundation. The school yard’s storm water system was replaced.
The outcome of the renovation project will be monitored over a two-year warranty period.
The school building was completed in 1964, and it was expanded in 1967, 1981 and 2004. A wing built for the school for the duration of the renovation and modernization project will remain in use by the school for the time being.
The school can now educate more students
Demand for general upper secondary education in Helsinki is on the increase, and Helsinki Media Arts Upper Secondary School is one answer to the increasing demand. 350 new students were enrolled in the school for the current autumn term, up from 270 students enrolled in the school annually before the project. The school’s total student body now numbers approximately 950.
In addition to media skills, Helsinki Media Arts Upper Secondary School puts an emphasis on social studies. Over the current academic year, the school offers 35 courses in which media skills are studied either independently from other studies or integrated with other learning.
Read more:
of Helsinki Media Arts Upper Secondary School – Melu (in Finnish) - Melu on Instagram(Link leads to external service)
Upper photo: Helsinki Media Arts
Upper Secondary School gives students opportunities to learn radio production
in a contemporary studio. Photographer: Salla Leijavuori