The City of Helsinki is preparing a detailed plan amendment to facilitate the construction of a permanent snow dump site near the Metsäläntie and Hämeenlinnanväylä intersection area. The field located at the edge of Central Park has been used for temporary snow storage in past winters.
Several snow dump sites to be decommissioned in the coming years
Helsinki currently has nine official snow dump sites, five of which will be decommissioned in the near future. New permanent snow dump sites will be needed to replace the ones to be decommissioned, and due to the densifying urban structure and the abolition of sea dumping. The City is aiming to abolish dumping snow into the sea by 2033.
The construction of the new permanent snow dump site is based on the City Board’s decision, according to which the City must increase its number of on-land snow dump sites from the current six to nine by 2033.
Melt water to be purified and directed into the Haaga creek
The snow dump site will operate around the clock and have the capacity to receive roughly three times as much snow as previously. Special attention is being paid in the planning of the permanent snow dump site to monitoring the environment and how the operations will affect the local nature, water and noise levels.
The melt water will pass through a filtering system into a discharge ditch leading to the Haaga creek. The filtering system will use technology that will effectively remove harmful substances from the melt water.
From the perspective of snow transports, the new dump site will be in a good location. A new access ramp will be built from Metsäläntie to the snow dump site, as when the number of transports increases, trucks will not be able to use recreational routes like before. Trees will be felled around the new access ramp and potentially at the southern, south-western and north-western edges of the field.
More information about the project on a walking tour
People can come see the snow dump site on a walking tour open to all on Thursday 3 October 2024 at 17.00–18.00. The tour will start from the Maunula hiking lodge, and the hosts will provide information about the starting points and impacts of the project. Attendees will also have an opportunity to continue talking with the City’s specialists at the Maunula hiking lodge until 18.30.
You can consult the participation and assessment plan concerning the project between 30 September and 25 October 2024 at the libraries of Oulunkylä and Pohjois-Haaga, Maunula hiking lodge and online at hel.fi/suunnitelmat. Please submit any written opinions to the City of Helsinki Register Office on 25 October 2024 at the latest.