The seminar on digital cultural services for the elderly presents upcoming digital cultural service experiments of the Estradi project, a project between Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa. The seminar will also share experiences of organising digital cultural services for the elderly and discuss copyright issues related to digital cultural services. The event is aimed at arts, cultural and municipal organisations, as well as all other people interested in digital cultural services.
The seminar will take place on Tuesday, 10 September, from 12.00 to 16.00. You can participate on site at the Helsinki City Hall Event Square or online.
The event is part of the Estradi project, which aims to improve knowledge about digital cultural services for the elderly in the arts and culture sector.
12.00–12.15 Opening words and objectives of the Estradi project – Service Manager Veikko Kunnas, Helsinki
12.15–12.30 Katse Espooseen (A look at Espoo; book) and Urban AI Art Espoo (media art piece) – Specialist Elina Pulli, City of Espoo.
12.30–13.00 Vantaa’s digital culture project: Literary therapists Teija Varis and Maaria Harviainen share their experiences of implementing digital cultural services
13.00–13.15 Helsinki’s digital culture projects – Project Coordinator Riikka Mäkinen and Project Producer Aapo Koistinen, Helsinki
13.15–13.30 Circus Magenta’s participatory circus performance
13.30–14.00 Coffee break
14.00–14.30 Study on copyright issues in the audio-visual sector – Project Manager Tiina Kautio, Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore
14.30–15.00 Successes and challenges of digital content from the point of view of an art institution – Project Worker Reetta Kankare and Audience Outreach Worker Hanna Nuorala, Helsinki City Theatre
15.00–15.30 Music in digital content – Product Manager Antti Valkama, Teosto
15.30–16.00 Questions and free discussion, closing words
The event will be hosted by Elina Pulli, Senior Specialist at the City of Espoo.
The Estradi project is funded by the European Union.