Malmi invests in the future – Longinojapuisto now offers opportunities for skateboarding, scooting and exercise

Longinojanpuisto in Ala-Malmi will offer diverse recreational and leisure opportunities in the future. Activity areas have been completed at Longinojanpuisto in June, where you can skate and train in a local exercise area, for example. The activity areas are part of the more extensive renovation of Longinojanpuisto and Filpuksenpuisto.
Longinojanpuisto tarjoaa erilaisia mahdollisuuksia vapaa-ajan viettoon
In Longinojanpuisto you can now skate and train in a local exercise area, for example. Photo: Sari Knuuti

Both the skateboarding venue and the outdoor exercise area are located next to Ala-Malmi sports park. In addition to body weight exercise equipment, the exercise area has equipment with a light fixed resistance, as well as bouldering stones for parkour. A patterned asphalt enlivens the skateboarding area.

In addition, the metal bridge on Ala-Malmin puistotie between the fields of Perho has also been replaced with a more atmospheric wooden bridge.

Work continues on Vanhanradanraitti

The activity areas and bridge were built by E. M. Pekkinen Oy, which continues to renovate Longinojanpuisto on Vanhanradanraitti. The old bridge crossing a stream and the short alleyways will be replaced between Tullivuorenraitti and Longinojanraitti. Lighting will also be replace, and finally the environment will be landscaped by planting 13 new trees, for example. In the contract, ten trees will have to be felled  after the birds’ nesting time. The work on the foundations of the bridge is also scheduled outside the trout spawning time.

Work is carried out on weekdays from 7 am until 5 pm, and piling also causes noise in the area. There will be detour for pedestrians and cyclists during the project, which will be marked with signs.

Filpuksenpuisto will be completed in the autumn

Simultaneously with Longinojanpuisto, the city has renovated the adjacent Filpuksenpuiston and the Filpus playground. Special attention in the park’s design has been paid to the safety of the area, wear resistance as well as the needs of children and young people of different ages. Most of the existing furniture and playground equipment in the playground area will be replaced with new ones, the concrete wading pool will be renovated and a game arena will be built in the northern part of the playground.

Filpuksenpuisto is scheduled to be completed in autumn 2024. A new playground and daycare centre building has also been built in the area, which was opened at the beginning of this year.

Urban renewal aims to develop Malmi

The City of Helsinki is currently carrying out an urban renewal in Malmi, Malminkartano-Kannelmäki, Mellunkylä and Meri-Rastila. This means that the city invests in development and a high quality environment especially in these areas. The aim is to improve the comfort and attractiveness of old residential areas and to enable high-quality infill construction.

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