The services offered by Symppis in Helsinki are available also as mobile services from the beginning of January. The mobile Symppis offers services on weekdays with a fixed timetable and route in different locations in Helsinki.
Clients with substance abuse and mental health problems are offered health and social guidance in addition to treatment evaluation, quick tests and vaccines. At Symppis, you can also exchange injection equipment and get guidance for safe injection. Peer activity is also a part of the service.
“I believe that the mobile Symppis helps us to serve our clients in an even more flexible way”, says the substance abuse services manager, Pia Pulkkinen.
“We also have a better chance than before to reach our potential clients”, she continues.
Sörkka Symppis opens at a familiar address
The drop-in point in Kurvi starts operating as Sörkka Symppis from the beginning of January. The health services are opened on Monday the 4th of January and the day centre will be opened later. Symppis in Itäkeskus and Kontula continue at the same addresses.
Customers get the same services in Sörnäinen, Itäkeskus and Kontula as they get from the mobile service. In the fixed locations, you can meet a doctor weekly and get food and coffee. Besides peer support, the clients can also participate in employment and voluntary activities.
You can use the services even if you are intoxicated. The service is anonymous.
- The timetable and stops for the mobile Symppis (in Finnish)
- Contact details for Symppis (in Finnish)
@SymppisHelsinki(Link leads to external service)
symppis_helsinki(Link leads to external service)