Preparations begin for the new residential area of Southern Postipuisto

In the next decade, approximately 3,500 apartments and office premises for 2,000 employees will be built next to Ilmala station. In the contract, starting now and lasting until the end of 2028, the city will remove land from a landfill area closed in the 1960s and carry out electrical installation, water supply and roadworks.
Map of the construction area.
Map of the construction area.

The first couple of years of the contract are spent on cleaning the former landfill. A huge amount of partially contaminated land will be excavated from the area and replaced by clean recycled land from other construction sites. After that, it is time to build municipal technology, such as streets, electricity and water distribution as well as street lighting.

The plan is to have residents living in Southern Postipuisto already in the early 2030s. The area’s detailed plan gained legal force last December. The residential area of Central Postipuisto will later be built next to Eteläinen Postipuisto. Central Postipuisto is currently being planned. There are already residents in the Postipuisto area north of them.

The contract starts during the autumn holiday week

The construction of Southern Postipuisto will start during the week of 14 October, which is generally an autumn holiday week in Southern Finland. The area of the former landfill will be fenced, and asphalt will be removed.

Finnish Posti’s headquarters are currently located in the area of Southern Postipuisto. In addition, there is transit traffic in the area. Due to the construction site, Postiljooninkatu will be closed to pedestrians and cyclists in the southern part around former Lähetinkatu. Other traffic will remain unchanged for the time being.
Work at the former landfill will cause some noise in the surrounding area. Work that causes particularly disturbing noise will be carried out on weekdays from 7 am to 10 pm.

The contractor of the construction site is GRK Suomi Oy.