The City of Helsinki is developing better ways of utilising resident data. The goal is to facilitate the everyday life of the residents and to offer them proactive and timely services. At the same time, Helsinki wants to assure the residents that their data are only used for their benefit and with their consent.
People’s rights to their own data are referred to as MyData principles. Helsinki complies with them in all its operations. The City has a wealth of different types of data on local residents, collected e.g. through the use of various services. Helsinki wants to transparently indicate what data is collected on local residents, how the data is used and what purposes the data is used for. If they wish, the residents can also decide whether or not their data is shared between City services or disclosed to other organisations, such as other cities. According to the same principle, the residents can also prohibit the use of their data.
The proactive allocation of the City’s services requires extensive use of analytics and data. Helsinki’s MyData approach is pioneering work at an all-European scale. Through its actions, the City wants to affect the ways in which resident data are used in Finland and in the entire EU. The digitalisation of services is also a central part of the City’s strategy, as Helsinki is aiming to be the best city in the world in the utilisation of digitalisation.
MyData utilisation on video with practical examples
What does MyData mean in practice and how does data licensing function? The City of Helsinki and Tussitaikurit Oy have jointly created a video presenting individual and timely digital services that are based on people’s different life situations. The examples help to get an understanding of MyData work in practice.
The video can be found on Helsinki-kanava, and you can watch it through this link(Link leads to external service) .
What services would you like to use with the help of MyData?
Helsinki wants to develop the MyData model in cooperation with the residents. Therefore, we invite you to share your ideas about possible MyData applications. What services could be facilitated through data sharing and where could data licensing be appropriate in your opinion? Whether you’re a resident, an entrepreneur based in Helsinki or a third sector employee, you’re welcome to share your views about the possible applications of your data.
You can tell us about your data usage ideas through our feedback channel at https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/participate/feedback
Read more about Helsinki’s MyData work:
(Link leads to external service)
Read more about Helsinki’s AI-assisted services:
https://ai.hel.fi/en/ai-register/(Link leads to external service)
MyData is a principle
for managing personal data. It states that people must have the opportunity to
manage, utilise and disclose any personal data collected on them. Helsinki’s
goal is to acquire MyData capabilities to ensure that no compromises are needed
with regard to the use of resident data, personal data protection and data
security. Helsinki joined the international MyData Global network at the
beginning of 2021. Through the network, Helsinki wants to influence the
development of MyData principles in Finland and the EU and support the
realisation of the principles in the operations of cities.