Renovation of the eastern part of Sibelius Park to begin in spring

The extensive renovation of Sibelius Park in Töölö area will continue on the eastern side of Mechelininkatu in spring 2025. The works will improve access routes and replace benches and lighting. The renovation begins with the felling of trees in poor condition in January and February.
A map showing the eastern part of Sibelius Park
Map of the renovation area.

Construction work is estimated to begin in the park in May. It will involve renovating access routes, building small squares with seating areas, and replacing lighting and benches. The park will also have dozens of new trees and new plantings. The construction work is due to be completed by the end of October.

Before the actual work begins, an estimated dozen trees will be removed from the park at the turn of January and February, before birds start nesting. Most of the trees to be felled have been found to be in poor condition in condition assessments. Individual trees next to the routes also need to be cut down due to the construction of the routes. All trees have been assessed for flying squirrels, and the trees will be inspected again at the felling stage. The felling of trees is the responsibility of Stara.

The tree felling will affect routes in the park. During the construction work, the eastern part of the park will be largely closed down so that the work can be done quickly and safely. The City of Helsinki will provide more detailed information about the effects of the construction work on routes around the park before the work starts.

A better park for city residents and visitors

The western part of Sibelius Park was renovated in 2023–2025, including the renovation of the surroundings of the Sibelius Monument, park corridors and the playground in the park. The park now also has a new exercise area and a dog enclosure for small dogs.

Sibelius Park in Töölö area is a very popular destination among both Helsinki residents and tourists, and its routes and fixtures had been worn out over the years. After the renovation, the park will be even more attractive than before and offer a wider range of services, ready to accommodate large numbers of visitors.