Street construction to start in southwestern part of Jätkäsaari

In July, the City of Helsinki will start building the streets for the new residential area in the southwestern part of Jätkäsaari. The work will cause noise, but it will not significantly impact traffic.
Karta över Busholmen, Map of Jätkäsaari

The construction of the streets, water supply and municipal infrastructure for the area in the southwestern part of Jätkäsaari will begin in the week starting 17 July. The project includes the construction of Tulimaankatu, Tongankuja, Samoankuja, Barbadoksenkuja, Barbadoksenkatu, Kanariankatu and Haitinkuja. The streets will be built in stages, and the work will last until early 2024.

The contract also includes the construction of Saukonkanava’s bunding between Tulimaankatu and Haitinkuja, the construction of a new wastewater pumping station in Tulimaanpuisto and the demolition of the temporary pumping station.

Some work will also be carried out on the intersecting and connecting streets to enable municipal infrastructure connections.

The contract includes work phases that will cause noise and dust, including piling, earthmoving and possible quarrying. Earthmoving is scheduled from mid-July to early 2024 and piling from the end of July to mid-October. The noisy work is to be done between 7.00 and 18.00 on weekdays.

The work will be carried out in an unbuilt area and, therefore, it will not significantly impact the traffic outside the site. Access routes to the construction site are to be as far away as possible from the already-built buildings.

The construction of the streets and municipal infrastructure will enable future residential construction in the area. The Melkinlaituri area will include housing for about 2,300 people, a daycare centre, a school and business premises.

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