The city is preparing new street plans for Reijolankatu, Urheilukatu and Lääkärinkatu

The city will announce the presentation of the plans later this year.
Näkymä Urheilukadulta keväällä 2022
A spring view of Urheilukatu in 2022. Photo: Laakson yhteissairaalan allianssi

The city’s street planners and the designers of the Laakso Joint Hospital are working closely together, as Laakso’s new hospital buildings also require the municipal infrastructure to be renewed on the streets near the hospital area.

The city is preparing street plans for the following areas:

•  Reijolankatu

•   The northern part of Urheilukatu between Reijolankatu and Lääkärinkatu

•    Lääkärinkatu between Urheilukatu and Central Park

The city has started measurements and studies related to street planning in the Lääkärinkatu area. Among other things, the work will continue with soil quality research later this year.

In connection with the renovation of the streets, the arrangements for public transport, walking and cycling will be modernised. In addition, the city is renovating street structures and the municipal infrastructure under the streets, among other things.

According to the preliminary plan, all street plans will be completed in 2023. Residents will have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the plans for Urheilukatu in the summer (estimate) and the plans for Reijolankatu and Lääkärinkatu in the autumn of 2023 (estimate).

Helsinki will make an announcement in its official channels when the street plans are on display. Among other places, the announcement will be published on the city’s website.