The City of Helsinki has required suppliers of goods and services to issue electronic purchase invoices from 2019 onwards. In order to give suppliers a transitional period, purchase invoices sent on paper or by email have so far been handled in exceptional cases. The transitional period will end on 1 August 2024, after which we will return purchase invoices received in incorrect format to the sender.
Please note that the City is not responsible for any late payments, payment requests or interest charges resulting from the return of a purchase invoice sent in incorrect format.
The City of Helsinki's e-invoicing addresses can be found on the city's website. The intermediary for e-invoices is Basware Plc, with the operator code BAWCFI22.
The e-invoicing addresses of the divisions and enterprises are in the format 003702012566 + the division-specific identifier.
If your company does not have its own e-invoicing system, we offer a free e-invoice option through our supplier portal. The link to the supplier portal can be found on the city's website.
To ensure that your purchase invoice is processed as smoothly as possible, please check that the invoice you are sending meets the requirements:
- The invoices must always meet the requirements of the Value Added Tax Act on invoice entries. More information is available on theFinnish Tax Administration’s website(Link leads to external service).
- The City of Helsinki requires the invoice to be identified by the sender's name, invoice date, invoice number, invoice reference number, invoice amount, due date, vendor's business ID and the reference information required by the City of Helsinki Invoicing Guidelines.
We have informed companies and organisations that regularly invoice the City of Helsinki about the change in a separate information letter on 15 April 2024.
For further information, please contact Maria Hublin-Riikonen maria.hublin-riikonen@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)