The video service, which offers concert recordings, expands the online services of Helmet library customers

The latest addition to the online services of Helmet libraries in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area is the video service.

The latest addition to the online services of Helmet libraries in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area is the video service. contains more than 3,000 videos of concerts, operas and ballets, as well as documentaries and master classes. The music is mostly classical, but jazz is also included. also broadcasts more than 150 live events each year from the world's most prestigious concert halls, festivals and competitions, in collaboration with top producers and artists. Live broadcasts can usually be viewed on the service for a period of three months.

The service has unlimited simultaneous use and works on all digital devices with the most common, updated browsers. The site is available in four languages: English, French, Spanish and Russian.

Log in to the service with your Helmet library card number in leads to external service)

More information:

Tuija Kalke, opens default mail program) , tel. +358 9 3108 5013
