The OmaStadi voting period ends on Thursday 28 October at 20:00

The OmaStadi voting period ends on Thursday 28 October at 20:00.

The residents of Helsinki will vote on the OmaStadi website and at OmaStadi polling stations. OmaStadi has received nearly 40,000 votes.

You can follow the development of the voting(Link leads to external service) situation on the OmaStadi website, which is updated every 15 minutes.

The more diverse proposals are comprehensively reflected in the OmaStadi voting.

Voting 2021(Link leads to external service)

– OmaStadi already has almost 40,000 votes. A grand finale is expected as voters notice that their time to make a difference is running out. Everyone should cast a vote in order to improve Helsinki, says Development Manager Kirsi Verkka.

The number of votes will determine which proposals are adopted

Support for voting is available at various service points of the City of Helsinki and events (Link leads to external service) around Helsinki. If voters do not have the necessary online bank credentials for voting, or if voting is otherwise difficult, they can vote at a supported voting location by showing their ID (ID card/passport, for young people a Kela card). In addition, you can also get information and guidance from all libraries, community centres and service centres of Helsinki.

OmaStadi is the City of Helsinki’s way of providing participatory budgeting services. Helsinki has allocated EUR 8.8 million to realising residents’ wishes. The ideas are developed together into proposals that Helsinki residents can vote on. The proposals with the most votes will be realised by the City.

If you encounter any problems with voting on OmaStadi, you can also call the digital support services on 09 310 10011 (Mon–Fri at 8:00–11:00 during the voting period, from 6 through 28 October 2021).

Read more:

Voting 2021(Link leads to external service)

Current voting results(Link leads to external service)

Support and events for voting(Link leads to external service)

OmaStadi(Link leads to external service)

Find your way to participate in and influence the development of Helsinki(Link leads to external service)

Image: Mainostoimisto KMG Turku, City of Helsinki Media Bank.