THL to study the quality of services for the elderly: survey among senior centre residents and home care customers

THL to study the quality of services for the elderly: survey among senior centre residents and home care customers
Asiakas ja työntekijä juttelevat.

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) is studying
how satisfied senior citizens are with their services via the Kerro palvelustasi
(Rate your service) survey. In Helsinki, feedback will be collected from
long-term residents of senior centres and home care customers. The survey is part
of the reform of the Act on care services for the elderly.

With the help of the national Kerro palvelustasi survey, THL will be collecting customer experiences on the quality of home care and long-term round-the-clock service housing. THL is also looking to find whether the services meet the customers’ requests and needs. This is the first time the THL survey is conducted, and each municipality is responsible for delivering the survey to its customers.

In Helsinki, feedback will be collected from long-term residents of senior centres and home care customers on 4–24 April 2022. The survey is available on paper form and online. Responding to the survey online requires a personal code, which the customer will receive together with the paper form from a home care or senior centre employee.

Senior centre staff will help their customers complete the paper form or online survey, if necessary. Home care customers can respond to the survey delivered to their home together with a family member, for example. Home care employees are responsible for taking completed forms forward. More information is available from home care or senior centre staff.

Regardless of whether the survey is completed on paper form or online, all responses will be anonymous and responding is voluntary.

Act on care services for the elderly to be reformed

The national customer satisfaction survey is related to the reform of the Act on care services for the elderly. Starting from next year, THL will be conducting the survey every other year. As a result of the legislation change, operating units, such as Helsinki home care, will be obliged to enable their customers to respond to the survey.

Further information(Link leads to external service) Kerro palvelustasi survey on the THL website(Link leads to external service)

Further information(Link leads to external service) Reform of the Act on care services for the elderly on the

Finnish Government website(Link leads to external service)

Photo: Virpi Velin