Töölö and Laakso health stations and maternity and child health clinics moving to Laakso – services moving in Laakso as well

There are some service changes taking place in the Töölö and Laakso area.
Laakson sairaalan kartta.

There are some service changes taking place in the Töölö and Laakso area. The maternity and child health clinics and health stations of the two districts and the area’s physiotherapy unit are moving to the Laakso Hospital area, address Lääkärinkatu 8.

The moves from Töölö to Laakso are due to the renovation of the Kivelä Hospital area. 

In addition to this, the aim is to provide the clients of Laakso Health Station with services from a single location from now on.

Medical aid services are also moving from Laakso to Konala.

Health station services in Laakso as of 29 March

From Monday 29 March onwards, Töölö Health Station will be serving clients at a new location at Lääkärinkatu 8 P (building 4). The services of Laakso Health Station are also returning to Laakso on Monday 29 March.

At the same time, Töölö and Laakso Health Stations are being merged into a new Kivelä Health Station on 29 March, which will initially operate in Laakso.  

The health station’s call-back number is 09 310 45500 (as of 29 March). You can also use the health station’s services online or visit the station in person. Kivelä Health Station will be open weekdays 8:00–16:00.

Kivelä Health Station

The facilities of the old Töölö Health Station on Sibeliuksenkatu are being renovated. The renovations are estimated to be completed by the end of 2021, at which point Kivelä Health Station will move into the renovated facilities.

Töölö and Laakso Maternity and Child Health
Clinics moving to Laakso on 24 March

As of 24 March, the clients of Töölö and Laakso Maternity and Child Health Clinics will temporarily have their appointments in Laakso, address Lääkärinkatu 8 S, building 4, (2nd floor).

As of autumn 2021, the clients of Töölö and Laakso Maternity and Child Health Clinics will have their appointments at the new Kamppi Family Centre. The detailed schedule for the opening of the new family centre will be announced later.

The maternity and child health clinic’s general telephone service (call-back service) is open weekdays 8:00–12:00 tel. 09 3105 5530.


As of 29 March, the Töölö area’s physiotherapy unit will operate out of Laakso, address Lääkärinkatu 8 S (building 4). Children’s physiotherapy services are located at Lääkärinkatu 8 V (building 4).

Laakso corona health
station continuing operations at the same address

The Laakso corona health station will continue to operate at its current address Lääkärinkatu 8 R (building 4) for the time being. The corona health station has its own separate entrance. The area’s other services are safe to use.

Medical aid services moving from Laakso to Konala

As of 16 March, the new address for medical aid services will be Ruosilantie 18, 00390 Helsinki. Medical aid services are open Mon–Thu 8:00–17:00 and Fri 10:00–16:00. Appointment booking and advice Mon–Thu 9:00–15:00 and Fri 10:00–15:00, tel. 09 3104 7589. Appointment booking for medical aid maintenance is open weekdays 9:00–15:00, tel. 09 3104 6837.


Kamppi family centre

Medical aid services

Published 10 and updated 26 March.